Dive Site - Huntington Beach
Where does one begin to describe potential dive sites in Huntington Beach?
With 9.5 miles of uninterrupted shoreline and the most consistent surf break of all the beaches, Huntington is home to a large array of sand animals. With very little rocky headlands like Laguna, Huntington is a great place to look for sand style animals or take folks out for a training dive on any of the access points along the coastline.
Regardless of the site you pick, remember to look for exposed rocks on the beach head. That is usually an indicator that there are scattered rocks in that area. Be ready to get sand creatures in your camera lens and look for the passing dolphins or sea lions while you are out!
Always use caution when entering and exiting the water. There are multiple life guard stands at this location. For added safety, make sure you have a Surface Marker Buoy (SMB), a knife and an underwater light to check out the little critters hiding among the reef!
This location is not in the Marine Protected Area.
At this location, you will find Sheephead, Garibaldi, Senoritas, Bat Rays, Sand Bass, Sculpin and much, much more!