PADI TecRec - Tec Trimix 65

Who should take this course?
If you’re into technical diving then you know that to extend your depth range you need to use trimix – a blend of helium, oxygen and nitrogen. The Tec Trimix 65 course introduces you to using trimix down to a maximum depth of 65 metres/210 feet. There are advantages to using three gases, but you need to know how to do it right. Earning the Tec Trimix 65 certification makes deeper exploration a reality.
You’re qualified to enroll in the Tec Trimix 65 course, if you:
- Are a PADI Tec 50 diver
- Have a minimum of 100 logged dives
- Are at least 18 years old
What will you learn?
Tec Trimix 65 course topics include:
- Trimix diving depth ranges
- Exposure planning
- Selecting a mix
- Argon inflation systems
- Handling three or four decompression cylinders
- Decompression models
- Emergency procedures
- Decompression software and multi-gas computers
How can you start learning now?
Contact (714) 527-1500 and get your Tec Trimix Diver Crew-Pak that includes a PADI Tec Trimix Diver Manual, which you can start reading right away. You also receive a deep stop calculation table, trimix decal and emergency procedures slate as part of your pak.
What scuba gear will you use?
You’ll use full technical equipment and you may use a technical sidemount configuration, plus two stage/decompression cylinders. Your Tec Trimix Instructor may suggest other equipment.
Next Step
Become an extreme diver:
- Enroll in a Tec Trimix 65 course today!
- Download a Medical Statement and Questionnaire (pdf).
- Download a PADI Standard Safe Technical Diving Practices Statement of Understanding.