2021 Calendar of Events for Southern California
Welcome to our almost one-year anniversary of the pandemic! Many events last year were canceled due to fears of gathering in large groups. This has shifted the way we are maintaining our connections and we're finding that many 2021 events will be held remotely with the intent of still supporting folks during this crazy time in our lives.
Every year, the SoCal community comes together for events that range from fundraising to local environmental efforts. This year, with slight modifications, we'll do it again!
If you'd like to stay up-to-date on events in our area, join up with our Facebook groups Dive 714, Dive 949 or Dive 760. You can also tune in to our current events calendar to keep up with our upcoming fun!
In the meantime, check out these planned events!
On 9 January 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore the Oil Rigs and Olympic wreck on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
From 18 January - 20 February 2021, the 40th Annual Avalon Harbor Clean Up will be held remotely this year. We'll break down into smaller groups across Southern California and hit our beaches and harbors (where authorized) to help clean up our beautiful Pacific Ocean. Don't miss out on this great fundraising event that supports the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber!
On 23-24 January 2021, the technical divers will spend two days on the Scrambler dive boat exploring sites past the 130ft range at Catalina Island. This trip is reserved for technical divers and is limited to six divers only. For more information email david.mansfield@beachcitiesscuba.com.
On 27 February 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore the Blue Caverns on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 24 April 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore Farnsworth Banks on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 24-25 April 2021, the technical divers will spend two days on the Scrambler dive boat exploring sites past the 130ft range at Catalina Island. This trip is reserved for technical divers and is limited to six divers only. For more information email david.mansfield@beachcitiesscuba.com.
On 8 May 2021, we have the Chamber Day / Chamber Eve remote. This is a fundraising event in Southern California that supports the USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber. A very important dive facility for our OC divers. That information will post here: https://dornsife.usc.edu/chamberday/
On 15 May 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore the west side of Catalina on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 22-23 May 2021, we have the Scuba Show held at the Long Beach Convention Center. This is the largest scuba convention west of the Mississippi. It is held every year and a large piece of our dive community in OC. That information is here: https://scubashow.com/
On 5 June 2021, we will have the Newport Harbor Underwater Clean Up remote. This annual event focuses on Newport Harbor. This year will be remote clean up efforts across Southern California! That information will post here: http://nhunderwatercleanup.com/
On 12 June 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 17 July 2021, we will the celebrate PADI Women's Dive Day. This honors women divers every year with events focused on the lady divers of our OC community. This information is located here: https://www.padi.com/women. - Beach Cities Scuba will host a boat dive on the Riviera!
On 24 July 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 31 July - 1 Aug 2021, the technical divers will spend two days on the Scrambler dive boat exploring sites past the 130ft range at Catalina Island. This trip is reserved for technical divers and is limited to six divers only. For more information email david.mansfield@beachcitiescuba.com.
On 28 August 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 11 September 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 23 October 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
On 23-24 October 2021, the technical divers will spend two days on the Scrambler dive boat exploring sites past the 130ft range at Catalina Island. This trip is reserved for technical divers and is limited to six divers only. For more information email david.mansfield@beachcitiescuba.com.
From 1 November - 31 December 2021, the 3rd Annual 30 Dive Challenge will be underway. This event has tons of prizes from multiple manufacturers. You have two months to complete 30 dives. Upon completion, you enter the winner's circle where you will then be entered into a drawing for prizes and a grand prize! Don't forget about this great event!
On 13 November 2021, the dive clubs will come together and explore sites TBA on board the Magician Dive Boat! This trip is for club members only, so make sure you join up to the Facebook Groups to qualify and sign up!
One of our favorite dive sites is the ACE wreck. This boat went down in a storm and has provided an excellent dive site for years in Southern California. If you are an advanced diver or above looking to do a cool dive in Orange County, the ACE is one to explore! Our dates for 2020 are here.
2021 ACE DIVE Dates:
- January 16th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- February 20th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- March 20th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- April 17th, 2021, 6.15am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- May 15th, 2021, 6.15am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- June 19th, 2021, 6.15am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- July 24th, 2021, 6.15am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- August 21st, 2021, 6.15am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- September 25th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- October 16th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- November 20th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
- December 18th, 2021, 7.15am meet, 8am depart two-tank
2021 Sunday Night Dives
We are committed as a dive group to diving as much as possible! If you have Sunday nights available, don't forget about our Sunday Night Dives!!! These are held every other Sunday where divers meet at 925 N Coast Hwy, Dana Point, CA 92651. From there, we dive the coves located within the area! These Night dives start 10 January and rotate every two weeks (24 Jan, 7 Feb, 21 Feb, and so on). Check out the Facebook pages for announcements or changes!
2021 Club Trips Dives
- January 9th, 2021, 6am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- February 27th, 2021, 6am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- April 24th, 2021, 5am meet, 6am depart two-tank
- May 15th, 2021, 5am meet, 6am depart two-tank
- June 19th, 2021, 5am meet, 6am depart two-tank
- July 24th, 2021, 5am meet, 6am depart two-tank
- August 11th, 2021, 5am meet, 6am depart two-tank
- September 23rd, 2021, 6am meet, 7am depart two-tank
- November 13th, 2021, 6am meet, 7am depart two-tank
About the Author:
D.J. Mansfield is a PADI Course Director who dives Southern California and has done so for 22 years. He is currently the Director of Operations for Beach Cities Scuba and is a committed ocean steward and trainer for divers all over the world.
Follow him on Instagram @djmansfield7or contact him at dj@beachcitiescuba.com.
Did you know Beach Cities Scuba is a 100% AWARE partner? We are committed to supporting our ocean partners and creating a protected environment for sea life that includes responsible fishing practices and minimal human interaction. See how you can get involved today!
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