Dive Site - Irvine Cove
Irvine Cove is another private area accessible by boat or by "friend that lives there". Married to the eastern side of Crystal Cove, Irvine Cove gives you a great little area to dive that is similar to the Crescent Bay area.
Use caution when entering and exiting the water. There is no life guard stand at this location. For added safety, make sure you have a Surface Marker Buoy (SMB), a knife and an underwater light to check out the little critters hiding among the reef!
This location is still in the Marine Protected Area. It is a no-take area, meaning that you cannot take anything out of the water. So, no hunting here!
At this location, you will find Sheephead, Garibaldi, Senoritas, Bat Rays, Sand Bass, Sculpin and much, much more!